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SPA Newsletters

The Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) Newsletter is a combined publication with content from the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP), Contract and Grant Administration (CGA), and SPA, and we plan to publish twice per year.

If you subscribe to the SPA Listserv you will receive each new issue directly.

Please note:  some of the links contained within older issues of the SPA Newsletter may not function properly

  • SPA Newsletter - Fall 2024: is packed with guidance and reminders to help with common question and challenges. Featured articles offer clarification on when PDs are and are not required, guidance on when to recall a PD, and a quick-start checklist for NSF proposals.  There is also information on Sponsored Program Final Cost Deadline Guidance, CGA’s new Award Management Tools Subgroup, and CGA’s move to a new office space.

  • SPA Newsletter - Spring 2024: includes information to help you stay up to date on the many changes that impact our work. Featured articles in this issue include information on the updated COI Disclosure, a new closeout deadline for expenses, when to use RG Accounts, a new Just in Time process in OSP, and free Open Access publishing for MSU Researchers.

  • SPA Newsletter - Fall 2023: includes articles with information to help you keep up with changing sponsor requirements, such as the NIH prior approval requirements for Data Management and Sharing Plans and updated guidance on NIH's attribution requirements. Other articles describe changes to processes or new resources that we developed to assist with expanding reporting expectations. These articles include information on the new Current & Pending Report in BI, a new system requirement for Subject Areas to be assigned to proposals, and a new webpage with RPPR tips for administrators.

  • SPA Newsletter - Spring 2023: includes information and updates to help you stay up to date on some of the many changes that impact our work. Featured articles in this issue include information on the new facilities and administrative (F&A) rate, agency updates from the Department of Justice, information on the process for requesting hardship accounts, and some news about upcoming improvements to our subaward processes. I would also like to highlight the articles on award transfers and faculty separation, which include links to new webpages with additional information and resources related to each of these topics.
  • SPA Newsletter - Fall 2022: the fall semester has been a busy one for the MSU research community, and the Fall 2022 SPA News highlights many of the changes that impact this work. Organizational changes are covered, such as the HFH+MSU HS Collaboration, and Finance's Financial Management Transformation.  CGA's revised subaward process and changes to expense workflows are covered, and new tools have been introduced, such as the PI Award Portal and the Data Management & Sharing webpages.
  • SPA Newsletter - Spring 2022: our Spring 2022 SPA Newsletter touches on many changes impacting our work. External sponsor requirements, such as the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy are covered in detail. You will also read about changes to the MSU Reimbursement Policy, and changes within SPA/OSP/CGA to improve our services to the MSU research community, such as the Kuali Research upgrade and the new CGA Subaward Team.
  • SPA Newsletter - Fall 2021: the Fall 2021 issue of the SPA Newsletter highlights an update to the Non-Resident Professional Service Contracts procedure and information on overdue NSF project reports. New resources for the MSU research community are also available, including guidance on Current and Pending/Other Support Requirements, Responsible Conduct of Research Training Requirements, and Fellowships.
  • SPA Newsletter - Spring 2021: the Spring 2021 SPA Newsletter provides information on a diverse range of topics related to research administration, including a preview of the PI Award Portal, tips on the KC Negotiation Module, and updates related to NIH and NASA.
  • SPA Newsletter - Fall 2020: the Fall 2020 SPA Newsletter provides updates on several processes and requirements, including the Proposal Deadline Policy, ERA Certification requirements, PI Certification statements, and what to expect during the award processing stage.
  • SPA Newsletter - Spring 2020: this issue points out some new resources for faculty and administrators, such as FAQs related to Conflict of Interest disclosures, a chart with Resources for Faculty Disclosures, and helpful information on working with various types of agreements. Also see the article describing the recent updates to the All Award Search Tool, as well as some helpful tips and resources on working from home.
  • SPA Newsletter - Fall 2019: the Fall 2019 issue of the SPA Newsletter includes MSU's F&A rate update, budget and justification preparation tips, helpful post-award management information, and the 2020 ERA training dates and registration links. Check out the newest Unit Research Administrator Spotlight recipients, along with other important news!
  • SPA Newsletter - Spring 2019: the Spring 2019 issue of the SPA Newsletter highlights recent or forthcoming changes that have an impact on the work we do.  It also includes the recipients of the Unit Research Administrator Spotlight Awards, and updates on training and educational resources.
  • SPA Newsletter - Fall 2018: the Fall 2018 issue of the SPA News provides information on the uniform guidance procurement update along with tips on identifying proposal collaborators and paying research participants. Also, read about the unit research administrators who received the Unit Research Administrator Spotlight Award.
  • SPA Newsletter - Spring 2018: our Spring 2018 issue of the SPA News includes research administration topics expanding on resources developed, metrics, insight on internal processes, and highlights on sponsor and MSU changes impacting administration. We also announce our Spring 2018 Unit Research Administrator Spotlight Award recipients, an exciting recognition opportunity we are proud to sponsor.
  • SPA Newsletter - Fall 2017: our Fall 2017 issue of the SPA News includes stories of change and recognition, and provides information, resources, and data to tackle challenges that we may encounter in research administration. Check out the newest RA Spotlight Award recipients and learn more about research terms and conditions. Also included is helpful information on subrecipient invoice templates and assets on RC accounts.
  • SPA Newsletter - Spring 2017: the Spring 2017 issue of the SPA News includes stories of changes, resources, and recognition, and provides information and data. Check out the new RA Spotlight Awards section and learn about the life of an OSP research administrator. Also included is helpful information on subrecipient monitoring and completing the subrecipient commitment form.
  • SPA Newsletter - Fall 2016: find good articles written by SPA/OSP/CGA staff on interesting, helpful topics. For instance, you can read about new resources and tools available including short Account Explorer Training Videos, which will provide an easy way to learn how to access project financial and administrative information.
  • SPA Newsletter - Spring 2016: (UPDATED 10/2017): includes helpful tips on using Account Explorer along with information on cost sharing basics, who may submit proposals, the NIH transition to subaccounts, and the Fly America Act. Also, look for the Research Administration Project update (aka KC).
  • SPA Newsletter - Fall 2015: includes information on the activity log, new cost transfer form, differences between award types, subawards at the proposal stage, participant support costs, and signature authority.


CGA Newsletter Archive

The new SPA newsletter will now cover CGA related topics.

  • CGA Newsletter - Issue 1 - Dec 2011: includes topics describing CGA Functions, KFS Route Log, Meal Reimbursements, Rush Transactions, and Who can sign for a PI if they are unable to sign.
  • CGA Newsletter - Issue 2 - Jan 2012: includes information about Subawards, Processing Subaward Invoices, Purchasing Computers, and Closing Accounts.
  • CGA Newsletter - Issue 3 - Feb 2013: includes information regarding Speaker Fees, CGA Subaward email, Documentation Needed for Audit, Common Prior Approvals, Tips for Processing Transactions, Grant vs. Contract, and Travel Advances.
  • CGA Newsletter - Issue 4 - Dec 2013: includes information about the NIH Award Number Transition, Hardship Extensions, Cost Share, Project vs. Budget End Dates, Audit Updates, Upcoming Trainings, and NIH eRA Commons IDs.
  • CGA Newsletter - Issue 5 - June 2014: includes information regarding what type of KFS document to use for transactions, Audit Update, when to Ad-Hoc CGA, are Gift Cards allowable, what info to include on KFS docs, Meals on restricted accounts, and Fiscal Year end.
  • CGA Newsletter - Issue 6 - Dec 2014: includes information about Uniform Guidance, P-Cards, eRA Commons IDs, PI Certification for Sub Invoices, and Affordable Care Act fee.


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